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Staple Cartridges

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Xerox 108R00158 Staple Cartridge (Xerox 108R158 Staples)
Part Number: 108R00158, 108R158

3-pack of staple cartridges.

5,000 staples per cartridge.

(3) cartridges per box.

15,000 staples total.

Compatible with these machines: Acom Computer N4525 MICR, Acom Computer XN 24, Acom Computer XN 32, Xerox DocuPrint N4525

New Genuine Brand
Original Brand

Quantity of 1


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Canon Type B Staple Cartridge (Swingline 50050 Staples)
Part Number: Type B Staples, F23-6703-000, 50050, F23-9211-000, F236703000, F239211000

Genuine Canon brand Type B staple roll. Designed by Swingline.

5,000 staples per roll.

(1) roll per box.

5,000 staples total.

*Also known as Swingline part #: 50050.

Compatible with these machines: Canon C300, Canon C400D, Canon NP-3030, Canon NP-3050, Canon NP-3325, Canon NP-3825, Canon NP-3825 II, Canon NP-4050, Canon NP-4080, Canon NP-4835, Canon NP-4835S, Canon NP-4835i, Canon NP-6150, Canon NP-6150 II, Canon NP-6650, Canon NP-6650 II, Canon NP-6850

New Genuine Brand
Original Brand

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Canon 5753A001AA Staple Cartridge (Canon F25-7510-000 Staple)
Part Number: F25-7510-000, 5753A001, F257510000, 5753A001AA

Genuine Kodak brand staple wire spool.

(1) staple wire spool per box.

Compatible with these machines: Canon ImageRunner 110, Canon ImageRunner 110M, Canon ImageRunner 125, Canon ImageRunner 125VP, Canon ImageRunner 150, Canon ImageRunner 150 Plus, Canon ImageRunner 150VP, Canon ImageRunner Pro 7110, Canon ImageRunner Pro 7110VP, Canon ImageRunner Pro 7125, Canon ImageRunner Pro 7125VP, Canon ImageRunner Pro 7138, Canon ImageRunner Pro 7138VP

New Genuine Brand
Original Brand

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Quantity of 5 or more



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Xerox 108R00053 Staple Cartridges (Xerox 108R53 Staples)
Part Number: 108R00053, 108R53

Genuine Xerox brand staple cartridges.

5,000 staples per cartridge.

(3) cartridges per box.

15,000 staples total.

Compatible with these machines: Xerox 4235, Xerox 5345, Xerox 5355, Xerox 5365, Xerox CopyCentre C65, Xerox CopyCentre C75, Xerox CopyCentre C90, Xerox DC220, Xerox DC220ST, Xerox DC230, Xerox DC230L, Xerox DC230ST, Xerox DC240, Xerox DC255, Xerox DC265, Xerox DC332, Xerox DC340, Xerox DC420, Xerox DC420DC, Xerox DC420ST, Xerox DC425, Xerox DC426, Xerox DC430, Xerox DC440, Xerox DC460, Xerox DC470, Xerox DC480, Xerox DC490, Xerox DocuColor 30, Xerox DocuColor 30 Pro, Xerox DocuColor 30CP, Xerox DocuColor 40, Xerox DocuColor 40 Pro, Xerox DocuColor 40CP, Xerox DocuColor 5000, Xerox DocuColor 7000, Xerox DocuColor 7000AP, Xerox DocuColor 8000, Xerox DocuColor 8000AP, Xerox DocuPrint 4850, Xerox DocuPrint 4850 LPS, Xerox DocuPrint 4890, Xerox DocuPrint 65, Xerox DocuPrint 75, Xerox DocuPrint 92C, Xerox DocuTech 65, Xerox DocuTech 75, Xerox DocuTech 90, Xerox DocumentCentre 220, Xerox DocumentCentre 220DC, Xerox DocumentCentre 220LP, Xerox DocumentCentre 220ST, Xerox DocumentCentre 230, Xerox DocumentCentre 230DC, Xerox DocumentCentre 230L, Xerox DocumentCentre 230LP, Xerox DocumentCentre 230ST, Xerox DocumentCentre 240, Xerox DocumentCentre 255, Xerox DocumentCentre 265, Xerox DocumentCentre 332, Xerox DocumentCentre 340, Xerox DocumentCentre 420, Xerox DocumentCentre 420DC, Xerox DocumentCentre 420ST, Xerox DocumentCentre 425, Xerox DocumentCentre 426, Xerox DocumentCentre 426DC, Xerox DocumentCentre 430, Xerox DocumentCentre 440, Xerox DocumentCentre 460, Xerox DocumentCentre 470, Xerox DocumentCentre 480, Xerox DocumentCentre 490, Xerox WorkCentre Pro 65, Xerox WorkCentre Pro 75, Xerox WorkCentre Pro 90

New Genuine Brand
Original Brand

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Quantity of 5 or more



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Sharp J1 Staple Cartridges (Sharp AR-SC2 Staples)
Part Number: J1 Staples, AR-SC2, ARSC2

3-pack of J1 staple cartridges.

5,000 staples per cartridge.

(3) cartridges per box.

15,000 staples total.

*For use in these Sharp Finishers:

Sharo AR-FN7

Sharp MX-FN11

Sharp MX-FN18

Sharp MX-FN19

Sharp MX-FN20

Sharp MX-FN24

Sharp MX-FN25

Sharp MX-FNX2

Sharp MX-FNX7

Sharp MX-RB11

Compatible with these machines: Sharp AR-235, Sharp AR-275, Sharp AR-C160, Sharp AR-C270, Sharp AR-C330, Sharp AR-M208, Sharp AR-M208B, Sharp AR-M208N, Sharp AR-M208NJ, Sharp AR-M236, Sharp AR-M237, Sharp AR-M276, Sharp AR-M277, Sharp AR-M280, Sharp AR-M280N, Sharp AR-M280N Plus, Sharp AR-M280U, Sharp AR-M280U Plus, Sharp AR-M350, Sharp AR-M350N, Sharp AR-M350N Plus, Sharp AR-M350NB, Sharp AR-M350U, Sharp AR-M350U Plus, Sharp AR-M350UB

New Genuine Brand
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World Class Ink - New Compatible Cartridge

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You Save: $35.00 (47%)
off our genuine brand price.


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Sharp E1 Staple Cartridges (Sharp SF-SC11 Staples)
Part Number: E1 Staples, SF-SC11, SFSC11

3-pack of E1 staple cartridges.

5,000 staples per cartridge.

(3) cartridges per box.

15,000 staples total.

Compatible with these machines: Imagistics im3510, Imagistics im3512, Imagistics im4510, Imagistics im4512, Lanier 7385, OCE im3510, OCE im4510, Sharp AR-250, Sharp AR-280, Sharp AR-285, Sharp AR-286, Sharp AR-287, Sharp AR-335, Sharp AR-336, Sharp AR-337, Sharp AR-405, Sharp AR-407, Sharp AR-501, Sharp AR-5015N, Sharp AR-505, Sharp AR-507, Sharp AR-C150, Sharp AR-C160, Sharp AR-C250, Sharp AR-F11, Sharp AR-F12, Sharp AR-F15, Sharp AR-FN1, Sharp AR-FN1N, Sharp AR-FN3, Sharp AR-FN8, Sharp AR-FN9, Sharp AR-M280, Sharp AR-M280N, Sharp AR-M280N Plus, Sharp AR-M280NB, Sharp AR-M280U, Sharp AR-M280U Plus, Sharp AR-M280UB, Sharp AR-M350, Sharp AR-M350N, Sharp AR-M350N Plus, Sharp AR-M350NB, Sharp AR-M350U, Sharp AR-M350U Plus, Sharp AR-M350UB, Sharp AR-M450, Sharp AR-M450N, Sharp AR-M450N Plus, Sharp AR-M450NB, Sharp AR-M450U, Sharp AR-M450U Plus, Sharp AR-M450UB, Sharp AR-M550, Sharp AR-M550N, Sharp AR-M550U, Sharp AR-M620, Sharp AR-M620N, Sharp AR-M620U, Sharp AR-M700, Sharp AR-M700N, Sharp AR-M700U, Sharp AR-M700UJ, Sharp AR-P350, Sharp AR-P350B, Sharp AR-P450, Sharp AR-P450B, Sharp MX-M550, Sharp MX-M550N, Sharp MX-M550U, Sharp MX-M620, Sharp MX-M620N, Sharp MX-M620U, Sharp MX-M700, Sharp MX-M700N, Sharp MX-M700U, Sharp SD-2175, Sharp SD-2260, Sharp SD-2275, Sharp SD-4085, Sharp SD-F202, Sharp SF-S55, Sharp SF-S55N, Sharp SF-S56

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World Class Ink - New Compatible Cartridge

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You Save: $10.00 (20%)
off our genuine brand price.


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Konica-Minolta SK-601 Saddle Stitch Staple Cartridges (Konica-Minolta 14YH Staples)
Part Number: SK-601, 14YH, SK601

Genuine Konica-Minolta brand Saddle Stitch staple cartridges.

5,000 staples per cartridge.

(3) cartridges per box.

15,000 staples total.



Compatible with these machines: Konica-Minolta BizHub Pro 1050, Konica-Minolta BizHub Pro 1050E, Konica-Minolta BizHub Pro 1050EP, Konica-Minolta BizHub Pro 1050P, Konica-Minolta BizHub Pro C6500, Konica-Minolta BizHub Pro C6500E, Konica-Minolta BizHub Pro C6500EP, Konica-Minolta BizHub Pro C6500P, OCE CS550, OCE CS620, OCE CS620 Pro

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Imagistics 794-4 Staple Cartridges (Imagistics 472-4 Staples)
Part Number: 794-4, 472-4, 7944, 4724

Standard staple cartridges.

5,000 staples per cartridge.

(3) cartridges per box.

15,000 staples total.

Width: 13/16th of an inch

*These staples are known as part #: 472-4 and part #: 794-4. Both part numbers are inter-changeable.




Although these staples are to be used in any of the printer models listed below, some of these models can use more than 1 finisher. Before purchasing these staples, please confirm the model # of your finisher is also listed below. If your finisher is not listed below, you most likely need Imagistics part #: 794-5 that can also be found for sale on our website.


Finisher 9997 (cm2520)

Finisher 9242 (im3511/im4511/im3512/im4512)

Finisher 9284 (im2330/im2830/im3530)

Compatible with these machines: Imagistics cm2520, Imagistics im2330, Imagistics im2830, Imagistics im3511, Imagistics im3530, Imagistics im4511, OCE cm2520, OCE im2330, OCE im2830, OCE im3511, OCE im3512, OCE im3530, OCE im4511, OCE im4512

New Genuine Brand
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Canon P1 Staple Cartridges (Canon 1008B001AA Staples)
Part Number: P1 Staples, 1008B001, 1008B001AA

2-pack of P1 staple cartridges.

5,000 staples per cartridge.

(2) cartridges per box.

10,000 staples total.


COMPATIBLE version is (3) cartridges per box

5,000 staples per cartridge.

Compatible with these machines: Canon Booklet Finisher D1, Canon Booklet Finisher F1, Canon ImageRunner Advance 8085, Canon ImageRunner Advance 8095, Canon ImageRunner Advance 8105, Canon Stapler Finisher D1

New Genuine Brand
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World Class Ink - New Compatible Cartridge

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You Save: $25.00 (26%)
off our genuine brand price.


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copiers and fax machines

thermal transfer


Xerox 008R13034 Staple Cartridge (Xerox 8R13034 Staples)
Part Number: 008R13034, 008R13006, 8R13034, 8R13006

Genuine Xerox brand staple cartridges.

30-sheet capacity per staple.

5,000 staples per cartridge.

(3) cartridges per box.

15,000 staples total.

Compatible with these machines: Xerox Nuvera 100, Xerox Nuvera 100MX, Xerox Nuvera 120, Xerox Nuvera 120MX, Xerox Nuvera 144, Xerox Nuvera 144MX, Xerox Nuvera 200, Xerox Nuvera 200MX, Xerox Nuvera 288, Xerox Nuvera 288MX, Xerox Nuvera 314

New Genuine Brand
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Quantity of 5 or more



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Konica-Minolta SK-701 Staple Cartridges (Konica-Minolta 14YJ Staples)
Part Number: SK-701, 14YJ, SK701

5-pack of standard staple cartridges.

5,000 staples per cartridge.

(5) cartridges per box.

25,000 staples total.

*These are standard staples, NOT the saddle stitch staples. The saddle stitch staples can be found by searching in our site search box for SK601.

Compatible with these machines: Develop Ineo 1051, Develop Ineo 1200, Konica-Minolta BizHub Pro 1050, Konica-Minolta BizHub Pro 1050E, Konica-Minolta BizHub Pro 1050EP, Konica-Minolta BizHub Pro 1050P, Konica-Minolta BizHub Pro 1051, Konica-Minolta BizHub Pro 1200, Konica-Minolta BizHub Pro 1200P, Konica-Minolta BizHub Pro 920, Konica-Minolta BizHub Pro 950, Konica-Minolta BizHub Pro C5501, Konica-Minolta BizHub Pro C6500, Konica-Minolta BizHub Pro C6500E, Konica-Minolta BizHub Pro C6500EP, Konica-Minolta BizHub Pro C6500P, Konica-Minolta BizHub Pro C6501, Konica-Minolta BizHub Pro C6501E, Konica-Minolta BizHub Pro C6501EP, Konica-Minolta BizHub Pro C6501P, Konica-Minolta BizHub Pro C65HC, OCE CS550, OCE CS620, OCE CS620 Pro

New Genuine Brand
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Quantity of 5 or more



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Xerox 008R12919 Staple Cartridge and Housing (Xerox 8R12919 Staples)
Part Number: 008R12919, 8R12919

Genuine Xerox brand staple cartridge and housing.

Each staple can hold a stack of 50 sheets of standard copy paper.

5,000 staples per cartridge.

Each box contains:

(1) staple cartridge housing

(1) staple cartridge

5,000 staples total

Compatible with these machines: Xerox 4110, Xerox 4110EPS, Xerox 4110ST, Xerox ColorQube 9200, Xerox ColorQube 9201, Xerox ColorQube 9202, Xerox ColorQube 9203, Xerox ColorQube 9300, Xerox ColorQube 9301, Xerox ColorQube 9302, Xerox ColorQube 9303, Xerox Nuvera 100, Xerox Nuvera 100MX, Xerox Nuvera 120, Xerox Nuvera 120MX, Xerox Nuvera 144, Xerox Nuvera 144MX, Xerox Nuvera 200, Xerox Nuvera 200MX, Xerox Nuvera 288, Xerox Nuvera 288MX, Xerox Nuvera 314

New Genuine Brand
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World Class Ink - New Premium Compatible Cartridge

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Quantity of 5 or more


You Save: $35.00 (30%)
off our genuine brand price.



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OCE S3 Staple Cartridge (OCE 7020470 Staples)
Part Number: S3 Staples, 7020470

3-pack of S3 staple cartridges.

5,000 staples per cartridge.

(3) cartridges per box.

15,000 staples total.

Compatible with these machines: OCE 2045, OCE 2060, OCE 2110, OCE 2400, OCE 2400 FanFold, OCE 2465, OCE 2475, OCE 2500, OCE 2600, OCE 3045, OCE 3055, OCE 3075, OCE 3077, OCE 3090, OCE 3100, OCE 3145, OCE 3155, OCE 8445, OCE 8465, OCE DPS400, OCE VarioPrint 2045, OCE VarioPrint 2060, OCE VarioPrint 2110, OCE VarioPrint 2110 Titanium

New Genuine Brand
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copiers and fax machines


Konica-Minolta SK-602 Staple Cartridges (Konica-Minolta 14YK Staples)
Part Number: SK-602, 14YK, 2193868, SK602

3-pack of staple cartridges.

5,000 staples per cartridge.

(3) cartridges per box.

15,000 staples total.

Compatible with these machines: Imagistics cm3521, Imagistics cm4521, Imagistics cm5520, Imagistics im6020, Imagistics im7520, Konica-Minolta BizHUb C650, Konica-Minolta BizHub 600, Konica-Minolta BizHub 750, Konica-Minolta BizHub C200, Konica-Minolta BizHub C200E, Konica-Minolta BizHub C203, Konica-Minolta BizHub C220, Konica-Minolta BizHub C253, Konica-Minolta BizHub C280, Konica-Minolta BizHub C300, Konica-Minolta BizHub C352, Konica-Minolta BizHub C352P, Konica-Minolta BizHub C360, Konica-Minolta BizHub C364E, Konica-Minolta BizHub C451, Konica-Minolta BizHub C550, Konica-Minolta BizHub C552, Konica-Minolta BizHub C552DS, Konica-Minolta BizHub C7720, Konica-Minolta BizHub C7722, Konica-Minolta BizHub C7728, Konica-Minolta BizHub Pro C5500, Konica-Minolta BizHub Pro C6500, Konica-Minolta BizHub Pro C6500E, Konica-Minolta BizHub Pro C6500EP, Konica-Minolta BizHub Pro C6500P, Konica-Minolta MagiColor 5650EN, Konica-Minolta MagiColor 5670EN, Konica-Minolta MagiColor 8650, Konica-Minolta MagiColor 8650DN, Konica-Minolta MagiColor 8650HDN, OCE CS550, OCE CS620, OCE CS620 Pro, OCE cm3521, OCE cm4521, OCE cm5520, OCE im6020, OCE im7520

New Genuine Brand
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World Class Ink - New Compatible Cartridge

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Quantity of 2-4


Quantity of 5 or more


You Save: $35.00 (37%)
off our genuine brand price.



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Ricoh 404461 Staple Cartridges (Ricoh Type BK5030 Staples)
Part Number: 404461, Type BK5030 Staples

3-pack of BK5030 staple cartridges.

5,000 staples per cartridge.

(3) cartridges per box.

15,000 staples total.



Compatible with these machines: Lanier PRO C651, Lanier PRO C651EX, Lanier PRO C751, Lanier PRO C751EX, Ricoh Pro C651, Ricoh Pro C651EX, Ricoh Pro C751, Ricoh Pro C751EX

New Genuine Brand
Original Brand

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blank paper

laser printer toners


Toshiba STAPLE2400 Staple Cartridges (Toshiba 6A000000706 Staples)
Part Number: STAPLE2400, 6A000000706, STAPLE 2400

(3) cartridges per box.

5,000 staples per cartridge.

Staple Width: 1 1/16 inches

Compatible with these machines: Toshiba e-Studio 2040C, Toshiba e-Studio 206L, Toshiba e-Studio 2330C, Toshiba e-Studio 2500C, Toshiba e-Studio 2540C, Toshiba e-Studio 256, Toshiba e-Studio 2820C, Toshiba e-Studio 2830C, Toshiba e-Studio 3040C, Toshiba e-Studio 306, Toshiba e-Studio 3500C, Toshiba e-Studio 3510C, Toshiba e-Studio 352, Toshiba e-Studio 3520C, Toshiba e-Studio 353, Toshiba e-Studio 3530C, Toshiba e-Studio 3540C, Toshiba e-Studio 355, Toshiba e-Studio 356, Toshiba e-Studio 452, Toshiba e-Studio 4520C, Toshiba e-Studio 453, Toshiba e-Studio 4540C, Toshiba e-Studio 455, Toshiba e-Studio 456, Toshiba e-Studio 506, Toshiba e-Studio 5520C, Toshiba e-Studio 5540C, Toshiba e-Studio 6520C, Toshiba e-Studio 6530C, Toshiba e-Studio 6540C, Toshiba e-Studio 6550C

New Genuine Brand
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World Class Ink - New Compatible Cartridge

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You Save: $20.00 (27%)
off our genuine brand price.


herwlett packard

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Xerox P1 Staple Cartridges (Xerox 008R12941 Staples)
Part Number: 008R12941, Xerox P1 Staples, 8R12941

3-pack of staple cartridges.

5,000 staples per cartridge.

(3) cartridges per box.

15,000 staples total.

Compatible with these machines: Xerox 550 Digital Colour Press, Xerox 560 Digital Colour Press, Xerox Color C60, Xerox Color C70, Xerox CopyCentre 232, Xerox CopyCentre 238, Xerox CopyCentre 245, Xerox CopyCentre 255, Xerox CopyCentre 265, Xerox CopyCentre 275, Xerox CopyCentre C2128, Xerox CopyCentre C2636, Xerox CopyCentre C3545, Xerox CopyCentre C55, Xerox DocuColor 240, Xerox DocuColor 242, Xerox DocuColor 250, Xerox DocuColor 252, Xerox DocuColor 260, Xerox DocuColor 3535, Xerox Phaser 5500, Xerox Phaser 5500B, Xerox Phaser 5500DN, Xerox Phaser 5500DT, Xerox Phaser 5500DX, Xerox Phaser 5500N, Xerox Phaser 7760, Xerox WorkCentre 232, Xerox WorkCentre 238, Xerox WorkCentre 245, Xerox WorkCentre 255, Xerox WorkCentre 4150, Xerox WorkCentre 4150U, Xerox WorkCentre 4260, Xerox WorkCentre 4265, Xerox WorkCentre 4265S, Xerox WorkCentre 4265SM, Xerox WorkCentre 4265X, Xerox WorkCentre 4265XF, Xerox WorkCentre 4265XFM, Xerox WorkCentre 4265XM, Xerox WorkCentre 5030, Xerox WorkCentre 5050, Xerox WorkCentre 5150, Xerox WorkCentre 5225, Xerox WorkCentre 5230, Xerox WorkCentre 5645, Xerox WorkCentre 5645P, Xerox WorkCentre 5645S, Xerox WorkCentre 5665, Xerox WorkCentre 5675, Xerox WorkCentre 5687, Xerox WorkCentre 5765, Xerox WorkCentre 5845, Xerox WorkCentre 5855, Xerox WorkCentre 5865, Xerox WorkCentre 5865i, Xerox WorkCentre 5875, Xerox WorkCentre 5875i, Xerox WorkCentre 5890, Xerox WorkCentre 5890i, Xerox WorkCentre 7132, Xerox WorkCentre 7232, Xerox WorkCentre 7242, Xerox WorkCentre 7328, Xerox WorkCentre 7335, Xerox WorkCentre 7345, Xerox WorkCentre 7346, Xerox WorkCentre 7425, Xerox WorkCentre 7428, Xerox WorkCentre 7435, Xerox WorkCentre 7655, Xerox WorkCentre 7665, Xerox WorkCentre 7675, Xerox WorkCentre 7755, Xerox WorkCentre 7765, Xerox WorkCentre 7775, Xerox WorkCentre 7830, Xerox WorkCentre 7835, Xerox WorkCentre 7845, Xerox WorkCentre 7855, Xerox WorkCentre 7970, Xerox WorkCentre M24, Xerox WorkCentre Pro 232, Xerox WorkCentre Pro 238, Xerox WorkCentre Pro 245, Xerox WorkCentre Pro 246, Xerox WorkCentre Pro 255, Xerox WorkCentre Pro 265, Xerox WorkCentre Pro 275, Xerox WorkCentre Pro 55, Xerox WorkCentre Pro 5665, Xerox WorkCentre Pro 5675, Xerox WorkCentre Pro 5687, Xerox WorkCentre Pro C2128, Xerox WorkCentre Pro C2636, Xerox WorkCentre Pro C3545

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You Save: $35.00 (37%)
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HP Q3216A Staple Cartridges
Part Number: Q3216A, Q3216

Genuine HP brand staple cartridges.

1,000 staples per cartridge.

(3) cartridges per box.

3,000 staples total.

Compatible with these machines: HP LaserJet 4200, HP LaserJet 4200DTN, HP LaserJet 4200DTNS, HP LaserJet 4200DTNSL, HP LaserJet 4200N, HP LaserJet 4200TN, HP LaserJet 4240, HP LaserJet 4240N, HP LaserJet 4250, HP LaserJet 4250DTN, HP LaserJet 4250DTNSL, HP LaserJet 4250N, HP LaserJet 4250TN, HP LaserJet 4300, HP LaserJet 4300DTN, HP LaserJet 4300DTNS, HP LaserJet 4300DTNSL, HP LaserJet 4300N, HP LaserJet 4300TN, HP LaserJet 4350, HP LaserJet 4350DT, HP LaserJet 4350DTNSL, HP LaserJet 4350N, HP LaserJet 4350TN, HP LaserJet P4014, HP LaserJet P4014N, HP LaserJet P4015, HP LaserJet P4015DN, HP LaserJet P4015N, HP LaserJet P4015TN, HP LaserJet P4015X, HP LaserJet P4510, HP LaserJet P4515, HP LaserJet P4515N, HP LaserJet P4515TN, HP LaserJet P4515X, HP LaserJet P4515XM

New Genuine Brand
Original Brand

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Quantity of 5 or more




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ink toner

laser printer toners


Kodak DigiMaster Type 2 Staple Wire Spool (Kodak 125-3541 Staples)
Part Number: 125-3541, Type 2 Staple Wire, 719-6777, 1253541, 7196777

Genuine Kodak brand staple wire spool.

(1) staple wire spool per box.

Compatible with these machines: Kodak DigiMaster, Kodak DigiMaster EX

New Genuine Brand
Original Brand

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canon ink

thermal transfer


Ricoh Type K Staple Cartridge (Ricoh 410801 Staples)
Part Number: Type K Staples, 410801

Single Type K staple cartridge.

5,000 staples per cartridge.

(1) cartridge per box.

5,000 staples total.

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