World Class Ink now offers custom wholesale pricing and blind order fulfillment to all approved imaging industry resellers.
World Class Ink offers one of the largest selections of imaging supplies available from any single vendor on the internet.
Savvy resellers can now take advantage of our robust product line to increase profits by simply expanding into the available niche markets that are much less saturated with competition.
Should you require an item not listed on our website, our reseller account specialists will make every possible effort to source the item for you upon request.
Wholesale Pricing:
At this time, we do not offer a complete list of reseller pricing for every item we offer.
We request that you contact us via phone, fax or email for each RFQ as needed until we can accurately establish a suitable pricing level for your account.
For all quote requests, the following information is required:
Part #
Quantity needed for each part #
Item condition requested (Genuine brand or Compatible brand)
What zipcode the order will ship to
# of business days until delivery is required.
Shipping Policy:
Reseller accounts are not eligible for our free shipping on all orders promotion offered to our retail clients.
Resellers will be charged actual shipping cost (no packaging or handling fees) as determined by UPS, DHL, FedEx or US Mail. Expedited shipping options are available for most orders, but we request that all expedited shipping requests be included in your original RFQ.
World Class Ink requires all resellers to make payment in advance via credit card, PayPal, or certified funds.
Reseller accounts are not eligible for credit terms or for the 5% PayPal discount offered to our retail customers.
Dedicated Customer Support:
To further assist our valued reseller clients, we now offer instant messaging support. We encourage you to create an MSN Instant Messaging account to access this resource.
Once your MSN IM account is activated, please add to your contact list:
Scott Hoffman
Reseller Account Specialist
Instant Messaging address: support@worldclassink.com
Our reseller account support team is available from 9:30am to 5:00pm EST to offer any assistance you should require. After hours support is available via instant messaging only whenever possible.
In the event you are unable to reach an account specialist via IM and require immediate assistance, please call our Toll Free #: 833.203.1777 and choose option 2.
Marketing Materials:
Upon request, we are able to offer all resellers full color sell sheets, brochures, logo creation, website design, and many other documents and services to assist you in creating or improving on a polished, professional image for your company!
We can include your company contact information on all marketing materials. For more infotmation, please contact a reseller support specialist above.
We look forward to a mutually beneficial relationship and hope that we at World Class Ink can be a useful resource to fulfill your customers' needs.
